Getting published in literary journals is hard.
We can help.
Submitit takes the guesswork out of submitting to literary journals.
Our fancy schmancy algorithm allows us to strategically submit your story or essay to the right journals. We handle every step of the submission process: from formatting and optional editing, to cover letters, to the actual submissions.
In other words, Submitit will greatly increase your chances of getting published, and you can worry about more important things, like actually writing! Plus, it really works (61.4% success rate).
“Erik brings kindness, wisdom and deep knowledge to the submission process.”
—Dominica Phetteplace is a Pushcart Prize–winning author. Her work can be found in Zyzzyva, Copper Nickel, Ecotone, The Los Angeles Review, and PANK.
“This process works! We got a story published that I've been trying to get placed for years. And if you run your story through their editing process, I assure you it will come out far better on the other side.”
—Erin Rose Belair has been published in Glimmer Train, Narrative, Greensboro Review, Juked, and more. Submitit helped her publish "Baby Calls It Home" in Green Hills Literary in 2021.
“Getting published in a literary journal was a lifelong dream of mine. After years of rejections, Submitit helped me get there! I’m deeply thankful and urge writers to give them a try.”
—Jane Van Cantfort has an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of San Francisco. She has published short stories in a variety of magazines, and her novel, Went Away, is available on Amazon. Submitit helped her publish "Morning" in Fiction on the Web in 2021.
For more testimonials and recent "publishings," visit our Testimonials & Publishings page.