We'll say it again: getting published is hard.
High-quality copy or line editing can often be the difference between finding a home for a piece, or not. Whether catching grammar and usage errors, or exploring issues of craft and style, or discussing “big picture” topics like character or plot, Submitit’s experienced editors can help. You can read more about our approach to editing here.
Submitit's Editors
Submitit has two editors on staff: Erik Harper Klass (the owner) and Josie Cameron. Note that work will generally go to the editor with more availability, unless you make a specific request (use the note field when signing up, or email us after signing up at info@submititnow.com).

Josie Cameron received a dual MFA in Poetry and Fiction from the University of Notre Dame. Her latest poetry is forthcoming in Meter (Scientific American), and she recently published four novels with Macmillan/Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR). Among other accolades, Josie’s work has been awarded two Academy of American Poets prizes and a Kirkus Reviews Best Book of the Year.
Josie has over fifteen years of experience editing, coaching, and teaching poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction. She got her start as Instructor of Creative Writing: Poetry 202 at Notre Dame and has since edited and coached many professional writers including Shana Youngdahl (RHINO Poetry, The Journal, Juked, SFASU Press, Miel Books, Penguin Random House), Ann Braden (Sky Pony Press, Penguin Random House), and Anna Vodicka (Brevity, Guernica, Harvard Review, AFAR, McSweeney’s). She lives in Maine.

Erik Harper Klass (founder, owner) has published stories in a variety of journals, including New England Review, Ninth Letter, South Carolina Review, Yemassee, Summerset Review, and Slippery Elm. His novella Polish Poets in Beds with Girls is now available from Buttonhook Press, and he has been nominated for multiple Pushcart Prizes.
As an editor, he has worked with dozens of professional writers, including Erin Rose Belair (Glimmer Train, Narrative, Greensboro Review, Juked), Dvora Rabino (The Lascaux Review, Santa Fe Writers Project, Best of the Net nominee), Dominica Phetteplace (Zyzzyva, Copper Nickel, Ecotone, The Los Angeles Review, PANK, multiple Pushcart Prizes), and many more. Stories and essays he's edited have appeared in dozens of literary journals, including Southern Indiana Review, Los Angeles Review, Chicago Quarterly Review, Summerset Review, Blood Orange Review, Saranac Review, New Pop Lit, and way too many others to list here. He writes and edits in Los Angeles.​
From the minutiae of copy editing, to broader topics such as character, language, and voice, to the use of craft and the development of style, Erik will help you take your writing to the next level. To read much more about his approach to editing, click here.
Editing Rates
$60/1,000 words
Copy editing focuses on errors of grammar (including punctuation), spelling, syntax, and common usage. Writers have a notoriously difficult time copy editing their own work. And a story with multiple errors will obviously distract a reader from noticing its potential greatness. There’s simply too much competition out there to submit grammatically imperfect stories. We're here to help.
$85/1,000 words
Line editing focuses primarily on topics such as craft, style, and consistency of voice or concept at the word, sentence, and paragraph level. Good line editing will also often get into issues related to characters, structure, and story, especially when the prose is already in good shape. Our line editing services always include copy editing (but not the other way around).
Typically, before we consult with a writer one-on-one, we’ll copy edit or line edit a story. Consulting is a meeting of voices. It allows us to get into a story in much greater detail. If you have questions about a story, or simply want to discuss the writing or submission process in general, consulting is the way to go. (Copy editing and line editing fees are not included in our consulting fees.)
"Erik brings kindness, wisdom and deep knowledge to the editing and submission process.” —Dominica Phetteplace (Pushcart Prize, Zyzzyva, Copper Nickel, Ecotone, and others)
"Erik was prompt, responsive, cordial, and a pleasure to work with. His comments and suggestions improved my essays and stories immensely. And he placed all three of my pieces [in literary journals] within three months. He totally knows his stuff!" —Dvora Wolff Rabino (The Ignatian Literary Magazine, Linden Avenue Literary Journal, The Lascaux Review, and others)
"Getting published in a literary journal was a lifelong dream of mine. After years of rejections, Erik helped me get there! His sensitive and thoughtful editing and comments made my stories better. I’m deeply thankful and urge writers to give him a try.” —Jane Van Cantfort (Fiction on the Web and others)
"Josephine is a careful reader who can drill into the heart of a manuscript. She's an expert guide!" —Shana Youngdahl, author of A Cage to Welcome, As Many Nows As I Can Get, and A Catalog of Burnt Objects